Decisions, decisions, decisions
It looks like the first couple weeks of June are going to be full of tough choices. Like, on Saturday,
Mozart, Eno, Andres, Clyne, Norman, & seat yourself even!
I don’t normally quote press releases wholesale, but I don’t know what I could better in my own account (though be sure to read the last paragraph for some extra…
Out there. And there. And there. And…
A few of the of the unusual and interesting events coming up soon, soon soon: Victoria, B.C. : Wednesday May 12th, 8pm at Knox Presbyterian Church (2964 Richmond Road, Victoria…
WCF in the PNW is A-OK (& so is PDX)
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Washington Composers Forum. Like any of these ventures, they’ve had some busy and some moribund periods. But more than most and especially…
When Music and Art Collide
On Friday, April 30, 2010, my ensemble, Great Noise Ensemble, will present the last concert of our 2009-10 concert season. The program, presented at Ward Hall, on the campus of…
Where there’s a will (and an iPhone) there’s a way
Back last December the New York Times highlighted the Stanford Mobile Phone Orchestra. The first link goes to the NYT video of the ensemble, but here’s a nicely quiet work…
Shout-out, South Carolina!
Columbia’s own Southern Exposure New Music Series and xMUSE (University of South Carolina’s Experimental Music Studio, directed by Reginald Bain) combine forces once again to present an evening of genre-bending…
Faking It on 54th
Met lots of really nice people at my little social media presentation for the Chamber Music America folks at St. Peter’s yesterday. As promised, here’s the slide deck I used.…
Pick a tone, any tone
The American Music Center’s NewMusicBox-meister Frank J. Oteri dropped by, with word of an upcoming gig of his own this Saturday: “Just wanted to alert you folks that Tonally Perplexed,…