Music for Large Animals (and Smaller People) by Judith Lang Zaimont
Judith Lang Zaimont’s new music/art video, Beasts is now up on YouTube but you can watch it right here by clicking the little pointer thing. The video features paintings and…
Judith Lang Zaimont’s new music/art video, Beasts is now up on YouTube but you can watch it right here by clicking the little pointer thing. The video features paintings and…
At the suggestion of an admirer of Sequenza21, I filled out and submitted an application last night to A National Summit on Arts Journalism, a project of the USC Annenberg…
One fateful morning in the fall of 2004, I opened the door to pick up my New York Times and found instead a wooden basket containing a pale homo sapien…
From: Eve Beglarian hi my friends, some of you already know that I’ve developed an obsession with the Mississippi River and its place in American culture, politics, and geography. I’ve…
And now, God help us, The Blues, Up and Down. One..two…
Sir Edward Downes, one of Britain’s most distinguished orchestra conductors, flew to Switzerland last week with his terminally-ill wife and joined her in drinking a lethal cocktail of barbiturates provided…
Almost everyone on the web has seen this by now but if you haven’t, take a look. It’s a classic example of don’t-get-mad-get-even.
I’m late getting to this but one of our regulars called my attention to an article in last Sunday’s New York Times about the League of Composers titled Modernists Commission…
Sam Butera, Saxophonist for Louis Prima, Dies at 81
Seriously nasty review of the Bang on a Can Marathon over on the Huffington Post (HuffPo, to its friends) by somebody I don’t know named Jan Herman. The review is…