For those of you who may not be familiar with it, there is a seminal document called The Cluetrain Manifesto that defines a new style of communication in an age in which everyone and everything is electronically connected. Its premise, to which I subscribe, is that the internet is fundamentally different from mass media like television because it allows lots of people to have “human to human” conversations (with all the complexity and difficulty that implies) rather than being force fed a one-sided party line or mass marketing message.
There can be negative aspects to this ubiquetous connectedness. Some people hide behind the mask of anonymity on the internet to say and do cruel and destructive things. But, in the best case scenario, the web allows us to talk to each other and–under the right conditions of respect, transparency, and honesty–to learn and even grow into a community where people can disagree without being disagreeable. I believe Sequenza21 is one of those rare communities and that makes me proud.
The first of the Manifesto’s 95 theses is this: “Markets are conversations.” In other words, if people are talking seriously about your product, or your Whitney concert, that is a positive thing from both a human and commercial point of view.
Just an old hippie (and professional marketer’s) point of view.
p.s. We need a new conversation started over on the Composer Forum page. If you don’t have a user name or password to post something let me know and I’ll fix you up.
Lots of terrific new reviews over on the CD Review page.
I listen to the fantastic Counterstream radio (see toilet seat icon) while I work and yesterday heard a terrific piece by Ezra Sims and it occurred to me that somebody ought to voluteer to write a regular column here every week or every other week called something like “Underrated,” which would focus on composers we don’t hear much about.
I had a chance to read the Cluetrain Manifesto and it really helped articulate what I want The Naxos Blog to be.
If people read my blog entries and find me to be talking with a disingenuous corporate voice, I want to hear about it. I’ll always aim to be tactful and honest. I don’t know everything that goes on at Naxos and Naxos of America but I’ll always try to give good information.
“Overrated” would be easy–after a certain number of clicks and positive comments, move composers from the “Underrated” section to the “Overrated” section.
Or how about a regular column called “Overrated?” 🙂
Trevor wrote: Going through all the cds for counterstream everyday I come across quite a few that Ive simply never heard of, which are fantastic (including the Ezra Sims, which we added two months ago).
Of course the cool kids got hip to Ezra Sims months ago, thanks to the Avant Garde Project:
I had the same thought, Jerry. Going through all the cds for counterstream everyday I come across quite a few that Ive simply never heard of, which are fantastic (including the Ezra Sims, which we added two months ago). However, given that many of them were recorded before I was born made it seem not quite fit for the CD Reviews page.