Spotted at Keen’s Steakhouse: New Music evangelist and all-round wild-and-crazy guy Frank J. Oteri hovering with music industry macher Marc Ostrow. Is there a game-changing new website where classical, jazz and theatrical composers can easily publish and promote their work in the works? Can you spell ScoreStreet, boys and girls?
Frank wrote two massive pieces recently that you should read if you haven’t already. One is a 8,000 word essay on Beach Boy founder Brian Wilson’s Smile and the other is on John Cage.
That’s frank, brother.
When I was a kid I would trot down to our mailbox on the “hard road” every morning to pick up the Beckley Post-Herald so I could read Earl Wilson’s column called “It Happened Last Night.” What a great life, I thought, staying up late, hobnobbing with movie stars, eating out in glamorous restaurants every night. I’m sure that early imprinting was why I went in journalism and came to New York. When we moved into this building about 40 years ago, Mr. Wilson and his BW (as he called his wife) were neighbors. I discovered that he rarely went out at all and that his columns were assembled from press releases and spoonfed “tips” telephoned in to his assistant from publicists. Alas, it was not my last disillusionment. That’s earl, brother.
I can tolerate Ardbeg in a pinch. The photo was taken with my handy iPhone which has become the Swiss Army Knife of the ADD Generation. Are you in New York now? I owe you guys a nice dinner. Call me, please. p.s. “R. David…” Rebranding?
Lagavullin’s good, but Ardbeg is better. (Bowmore’s . . . creative.) Anyhow, that’s a great picture of Frank.
BTW, Frank is drinking Bowmore Darkest. If you know what that is, you have very expensive drinking habits. (I’m a Lagavulin man, myself)