They say a picture is worth a 1000 words, so consider this photo album a 26,000 word review until I file my story. Inuksuit was one of the most extraordinary pieces of music I’ve heard since–well, John Luther Adams’ orchestra and tape work, Dark Waves. (On Sunday, we’ll hear JLA’s two-piano version of Dark Waves.)
Do read Paul Muller’s account of this concert and Thursday evening’s concert.
To give you some idea of what the performance was like, here are some crude videos I made on my not-designed-for-filming camera. The mike on the camera did a reasonable job of capturing the changes in sound as you moved from one spot to another, as I did throughout the performance.
If you’re reading this before or around 11 a.m. PST June 9, hop on over to the live stream from Ojai to watch/hear Marc Andre Hamelin, Christianne Stotijn, and Martin Frost perform Alban Berg, as well as an orchestral work by Eivind Buene. Watch it here.
The University of California Berkeley also got to experience this work on Monday at 5 PM, thanks to the Ojai Festival on mini-tour.
Here is a link to an additional Inuksuit User Guide to complement the above:
[Having strong past ties to JL Adams, Washington, D.C. will probably experience the work by the end of the H. Clinton Administration in 2024.]
Such a great work, we got to experience it two years ago at Furman University.
Great coverage! Thank you. As one of the performers, it is great to see the supportive comments of the performance. It is also great to see all of the videos. Thanks for posting these!
No stabilizer on my camera (it’s a 7 or 8 year old 6-megapixel FujiFilm), but Youtube offered to stabilize the shots and I accepted. I hope to instigate a performance of this in Balboa Park.
Actually, you did a great job on these videos! Loved it. Did you use an iPhone with that tracking stabilizer function?. Too many people talking, of course. You miss a bet by not going into those blue port-a-potties. That would have been genius! (Pardon the joke, please.) Really liked this.