is a labor of love. No one involved actually expects to make money
from the site. Those nice ads you see on the front page are freebies
that we put up to promote people who have been nice to us and to make ourselves
look busy.
Occasionally, though, someone asks how they might advertise on our pages. We don't really want to get into the business of running a business (particularly one as unprofitable as contemporary classical music) but if you like what we're doing and would like to support us--and promote your own thing--we've decided to create several levels of sponsorship. Here's how it works: Level 1 - $1,500 - Gets you the top banner and link on page one for 52 issues. 468 x 60 pixels or thereabouts. Since each week goes into the archive pages (which get as many hits as the front page coming from search engines), you're really getting your impression on 52 pages forever or until we fold the tent which, we expect, will not be soon. Obviously, only one sponsor get have this spot at a time. Level 2 - $1,000 - Gets you a one-column ad and link above the masthead for 52 issues. (no more than 200 pixels wide x 85 tall) Same deal as above on archives. Three slots available. Level 3 - $500 gets you a one column ad and link somewhere below the masthead on the opening page for 52 issues. (no more than 200 pixels wide x 85 tall) Same deal as above on archives. Level O - Any amount you want to donate. Gets you listed on this page (or not, if you prefer). Only rule is that your ad must be related to contemporary classical music--no porn, no viagra substitutes, no Mozart. The nice people
at the button below will gladly take your money and pass it along to us.
If you taking one of the ad slots, be sure to send me a note with your
ad and where you want it linked to.