Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Yes, Larry, Ross's blog is as good as it gets. He covers a huge range of fascinating topics. It will be interesting to see if Jerry's idea of a Composers Forum can accomplish something equally worthwhile. Let's hope for the best.
I like your idea of providing score snippets with reviews. Obviously, the big hurdle is transferring from the medium of time to the medium of space: a photograph can represent a painting in its entirety (not replacing the direct experience of course, but you know what I mean) or a valid perspective on an architectural work, but a few measures of a printed score can't really do justice to most music. Good news: with internet reviews, critics can post soundfiles of works in their entirety, or at least sizable chunks. The only problem: getting permission to use the file, which, as far as I know, is not an issue with a photograph of a work of art in a magazine or newspaper.
For anyone who is interested in checking out a blog that focuses specifically on new music, I recommend Kyle Gann's Postclassic -- I disagree with a fair share of Kyle's opinions about music, but I have tons of respect for the passion and devotion he brings to the music he loves. His internet radio station alone is an amazing source for stuff you won't hear anywhere else.
Any other recommendations?
posted by Lawrence Dillon
11:56 AM